Today Namco Bandai Games released four brand-new gameplay videos for their upcoming action/brawler game “J-Stars Victory Vs.” which is a game that, if you’re constant readers of the site, you’ll know we are absolutely head-over-heels excited for. Each of the 4 videos go for just over 2 minutes and they’re all focused on a singular character which is great because it gives fans the chance to see a couple of their favourite characters in action. Naruto (Naruto), Kenshiro (Fist Of The North Star), Yusuke (Yu Yu Hakusho) and Ryotsu (Kochira Katsushika-ku) are the four characters to get the spotlight this time around. Finally we’ll be able to see more of these characters’ movesets now that they each have a dedicated video. I can only imagine that Namco Bandai will be rolling out plenty of videos in the lead up to the games release so expect to see more within the coming weeks. Each of the videos can be seen just below this paragraph so head down there now check check them all out.