Today the first English trailer for Hyperdimension Neptunia Producing Perfection, or simply Hyperdimension Neptunia PP, has been released by NIS America and in it we not only get to see some new footage of the game but also get a chance to hear the English dub for the characters in event scenes. It is currently unknown whether or not the game will feature dual-audio, though it appears that the songs will remain in Japanese.
As for the story of this spin-off, the world has been at peace thanks to the power of the CPUs, but when idols start becoming more popular than the CPUS, their power-shares begin to vanish, meaning the only way for the CPUs to gain their shares back is to become idols themselves. The title will allow players to guide their CPUs idol careers as they play the manager which will help select costumes and songs for their CPU to perform on stage.