Pokemon fans that have quite a collect over the course of all the games that have been released through the years should be excited to hear that the Pokemon Bank is well on it way to release. Still set to come out on December 27th, 2013 Pokemon Bank will let players store and manage up to 3000 different Pokemon, which should be great for those that keep multiples.
Just how does it work exactly? Well, luckily Nintendo has just released a new trailer to show off just how the system will work for the Nintendo 3DS. All players have to do is download Pokemon Bank, as well as the Poke Transporter, which will let players with extensive collections port over from Pokemon X & Y, Pokemon Black & White, and Pokemon Black 2 & White 2.
If this sounds like just the right tool for you, be sure to check out the trailer embedded below to see it in action. Those downloading Pokemon Bank between December 27 and January 31st will also get to try it for free, after which the service will cost $4.99 (£4.49/€4.99) a year.