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It’s Call of Duty Time! Stats Infographic Details The ‘Call of Duty Time’

What exactly is the Call of Duty Time you ask? Well it is now the time in which Call of Duty: Ghosts is released as the game is now available for Call of Duty maniacs. To go along with this amazing release of this phenomenal game from the incredible video-game publisher Activision, an infographic has been released that details the history of ‘Call of Duty Time’.

Want to know all the intriguing statistics behind the wild world of Call of Duty and ‘Call of Duty Time’? Well just take a gander at the image below which features all the interesting information on these topics. Call of Duty: Ghosts is available now on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.


Luke Halliday
Luke Halliday
Senior Editor & Anime Specialist