20 years ago, a show by the name of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers blasted onto our television line-up, featuring five teenagers who would tackle evil on a daily basis. As the years passed, we as fans grew up and moved on, but the series continued, evolving in different ways to retain an ageless charm that has ultimately resulted in a hardcore fan following. Ranger Call is a celebration of the phenomenon, where Dustin Spencer and Andrew Day come together to speak about their memories and discuss the many tropes that the show offered throughout its many incarnations.
This week is all about catching up and talking favorites. You know, favorite episodes, villains, rangers – and so on, which means one jam-packed hour of raw nostalgia. Think of this episode as a way for us to introduce ourselves as Power Rangers fans, where we cover the basics of what we love in a short time – along with tackling the awesome and ultra cringe-worthy moments from the show . Check out episode 2 down below, tune in, and POWER UP!
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