After a long wait and mounting anticipation, anime legend Shinichiro Watanabe unveiled his latest anime project Space Dandy at Otakon this weekend. The series which was previously teased as a space comedy reminiscent of the humour seen in Watanabe’s classic series Cowboy Bebop, was detailed and had some artwork even showcased for those in attendance.
The series will be produced by BONES, with Shinichiro Watanbe helming the project as its general director and Shingo Natsume will work as its director. On top of that Dai Sato, Keiko Nobumoto, and Kimiko Ueno are slated to handle the script writing on the series. Character design will be handled by Yoshiyuki Ito and Spaceship design done by Thomas Romain. The series theme will be performed by Yasuyuki Okamura.
Space Dandy will focus on the comedic adventures of an alien hunter by the name of Dandy in a far off future. Dandy along with his robot partner QT and cat alien named Meow, travel the universe looking for new types of aliens. Watanabe noted in his panel that the character of QT is a robot who believes themselves to be like R2D2 when in fact they are more akin to a Roomba vacuum cleaner.
The series is slated to premiere in January 2014. Stay tuned for further updates on Space Dandy as it comes to light.