Today, we had a great opportunity to speak with the wonderful, generous and talented Cleveland, Ohio native Bill Watterson – voice of Lost Planet 3‘s main protagonist Jim Peyton; a miner on a NEVEC contract to join the crew on E.D.N. III, drilling for the natural resource known as T-Energy.
We spoke for over an hour, talking about his work on the game, first experience with video game performance capture in L.A. Noire, collection of He-Man action figures, unadulterated love for Marvel and of course, what makes his character tick and just why fans will come to love him in the upcoming Capcom published, Spark Unlimited developed title. Did you know early on in development – talking vertical slice/pitching days – this prequel to the original Lost Planet had a more stylised look? Imagine an almost cel-shaded Lost Planet?! (although we’re sure it wasn’t planned to be that cartoon-ish).
We also found out how he thinks he would actually fare in the extreme conditions of the icy planet. All around, it was a fun interview with a real down-to-Earth bloke – yes, we declare him an honorary Aussie now. Check out our audio interview with Bill below and let us know what you thought of it in the comments section!
Audio Interview with Bill Watterson, Lead Actor on Lost Planet 3
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• DOWNLOAD: MP3 (right click/save as)
Be sure to listen to our past CC Unplugged episodes here.
Lost Planet 3 will be available on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC August 27th in North America, August 29th here in Australia and Japan, and August 30th across Europe. Follow Bill on Twitter @BillTweeterson! And come August 20th, wish him a Happy Birthday!!