Hailing from Reykjavik, Iceland, CCP Games presents the final schedule for their annual celebration known as EVE Fanfest beginning April 25th through April 27th. This year’s celebration will focus around the 10th Anniversary of EVE Online alongside the progression of DUST 514 and CCP Games. The commemorating event will focus on each of these items regarding their past, present, and ever hopeful future. Additional topics that will be brought to fruition are “Games of Art” and “Party at the Top of the World“.
“Games of Art” is EVE Fanfest’s newest acquisition as the Museum of Modern Art has included EVE Online into part of their collection in New York along with twelve other video games such as Dwarf Fortress, Portal, and Canabalt. The panel will include the following speakers:
Paola Antonelli, Senior Curator, New York Museum of Modern Art
Torfi Frans Olafsson, Creative Director, CCP Games
Adam Saltsman, Designer, Canabalt
Tarn Adams, Co-Creator, Dwarf Fortress
“Part at the Top of the World” will be hosted by the award-winning DJ Z-Trip and be accompanied by Iceland’s own #1 metal band Skálmöld. Also making an appearance to the event is the popular Icelandic dance band Retro Stefson. Sure sounds like plenty of amusement for party hearty gamers!
For the full schedule of EVE Fanfest 2013, head over to their official website (here). Sounds like a hell of a party to miss out on since they are already sold out, but the event will be available for viewing pleasure on CCP TwitchTV.