The anime series, Another, has been recently acquired by the anime publisher Hanabee here in Australia. This was brought to our attention via a press release that we had received a little earlier today, however, fans of the company that were in attendance at the Melbourne Supanova event will have heard this announcement at a panel at the event.
The events of Another take place when a student in the class is killed suddenly and unexpectedly. However, instead of accepting this loss, the class and its teacher decide to carry on as usual, allowing the deceased student to graduate along with the class. Around 26 years later a new student joins this class and notices that it isn’t quite normal.
The series, Another, will also be having a Blu-Ray Disc and Digital Video Disc release, which is great for the modern Anime fan as most Anime is best suited for High Definition displays in the modern era.
To quote the Press Release –
Denying Death Is a High Stakes GameIn 1972 Misaki suddenly passed away. The student’s death was so unexpected that the classmates and teacher had decided to pretend the incident never happened, allowing for Misaki to continue attending class and graduate with them. But in doing so they had unwittingly set a curse upon the school.
26 years later, Kouichi Sakakibara transferred into the very same class and it is clear something is amiss. A tense atmosphere has engulfed them and the answer may lie in the hands of an aloof classmate who no one appears to be aware of.
The release looks like it will be filled with special features, such as the following:
- DVD & BluRay Release
- Dual language – English dub & original Japanese audio.
- OVA included.
- Clean Opening & Ending
Another releases on the 3rd of July, 2013 in Australia and New Zealand. Be sure to check in stores around the date to grab your copy.