Fans of pretty much any of the games Deep Silver is publishing should be excited for news coming out of PAX East as they will be showing presentations and hosting multiplayer sessions. What can all the attendees be looking forward to?
The main event will most likely be the Saints Row IV presentation. With its official announcement just released, a whole lot of information hasn’t been given about the newest sequel to the crazy action series, but hopefully more will be shown off in the closed-door presentation. Cosplaying at PAX East? Those dressed as Saints Row characters can skip to the head of the line to ensure they can get in. NOTE: Stripping down to your birthday suit to imitate the Boss during the Streaking activity probably doesn’t count.
Dead Island Riptide will also be present in the form of multiplayer at the booth. Attendees wont just be going at it with each other with no clue or information about where they are and what’s going on as a producer of the game will be playing along too. Attendees should be ready to show off how they can stack up against the producer with the first hands on experience.
Other former THQ property and now part of the Deep Silver family, Metro: Last Light will also be playable at the booth. This will be the first time the game has been playable to the public, so be set to see what horrible wonder the irradiated Moscow has to offer.
Finally, Sacred Citadel will be available for multiplayer sessions for three-players at a time as they brawl their way through the side-scroller. A new installment of the Sacred universe, the game combines RPG elements with brawling that attendees will get to experience for themselves.
PAX East will last from March 22nd-24th, where attendees will be able to check out all of these things at Deep Silver’s Booth (#748) and are encouraged to livetweet about them at “@deepsilver” for all those that don’t get to go.