Today, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Reborn was announced during the Nintendo Direct session, and fans everywhere of the often overlooked classic cheered. This HD upgrade has a lot going for it, but it seems not all are going to be fond of the new platform.
Polytron, the team behind FEZ, voiced their own opinion over Twitter with their thoughts on the HD upgrade:
if there’s one game that DOESN’T need to have its graphics updated, it’s windwaker.
Ouch. That sounds a bit harsh, but Polytron continued with this little sentiment:
but hey, windwaker is one of the greatest game ever made, and if re-releasing it means more people are going to play it, that’s great!…but we sure hope there’s an option to play the game with it’s near-perfect, timeless aesthetic.
Indie devs like Polytron are usually criticized for speaking their minds on these sorts of topics (Phil Fish and the Japanese games fiasco, anyone?), but I kind of see where the studio is coming from. Wind Waker indeed had a timeless aesthetic, and popping colors and cell shaded models do wonders to keep the game from aging. However, I think there is no better title for Legend of Zelda fans to be treated to on the Wii U. Of course there will be updates in the gameplay department, but as we seen today – this remake is looking gorgeous and instantly makes the GC version feel a bit dark and gloomy in comparison.
Over time, newer television models have made the transition over to HD, and older games just don’t look as good as a result. That isn’t a problem for myself – as I still play my Gamecube heavily, but this next generation needs to see how beautiful a Zelda experience can truly be, with both high res visuals and the solidly structured gameplay turned up to full blast. Imagine all of the social integration the Wii U has, and think about how we will be able to share one of the greatest games of all time with the world.
Polytron is right, Wind Waker doesn’t need an HD upgrade, but I think it’s safe to say that gamers need an HD Wind Waker – as the best way to cement the legacy of any game is to keep it’s name relevant for the next generation. What do you think? Is it too soon, or is Wind Waker ready to set sail again?