Deep Silver has revealed in a press release that players will be able to get back to the world of Sacred once again with their new sequel Sacred 3. The Action RPG, being developed by keen games, tells the story of a group of heroes looking to stop the Ashen Empire as it attempts to retrieve the Heart of Ancaria.
Featuring cooperative play for up to four, players can go at it against the enemy, as well as see how they stack up against their coop buddies. With varying classes to choose from, including Safiri Warrior and Ancarian Lancer, with each one having its own skill set and offering the players choice of Combat Arts, perks, and equipment. Fans of the series can also expect to see locations they will find familiar, but not exactly as they saw them last, such as the now ruins of Castle Braverock.
Sacred 3 is set to come out in 2013 for Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PC, but a prelude to the Sacred 3 story will be available in Sacred Citadel in earlier 2013.