Platinum Games’ developer diary is very insightful

If you’re a gamer than it’s likely that at one point in your gaming history you have played or at the very least seen a game made by Platinum Games. It’s hard to dispute that this developer has etched their own truly unique persona that is felt within each of their titles. So I am sure that if you have played a game from Platinum before, you may be interested to see their developer diary that they have just released. It’s insightful to say the least.

The Platinum Games developer diary which can be seen below (switch captions on for English subtitles) details the studio’s philosophy for creating games and for what they think a game should be. Not only that but the video diary also includes some footage of one of their current project, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (they are also currently working on Project P-100). So be sure to check out this very interesting developer diary for Platinum Games below and let us know what you think in the comments section.

Luke Halliday
Luke Halliday
Senior Editor & Anime Specialist