Silvester Adventure, developed by Sim Chia Tek of China, is now available on the App Store, along with an update. Silvester Adventure is a puzzle-platforming hybrid in which you control two characters: the main character and his shadow. Yep, his shadow. You use both to solve puzzles through shadow manipulation and conquer various levels. The shadow does have a safe zone knows as the “Shadow Range.” The shadow also has three skills involving enlarging, shrinking and moving. Power ups are also available, like one that extends the “Shadow Range.”
The game includes 31 levels, four worlds, three shadow skills and full gyroscope- and Retina-support. The updated version now available has achievements through GameCenter integration, and supports English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. A free, limited version of the game is available, so, if you are interested, why not give it a go before deciding if you want the full version.