The new ‘Fullmetal Alchemist: Sacred Star of Milos’ movie hit theatres across North America, achieving generally positive reviews. During the LA premiere rapping star Soulja Boy made an appearance, although he left before the film finished.
The plot of the movie occurs before ‘Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood’’s conclusion, and has its own original storyline, with movie-only characters.
The story follows the Elric brothers attempting to track down a prisoner who has recently escaped from prison. During their search the brothers save a young alchemist from the very man they are trying to capture, and as the plot thickens the brothers are caught in the rebellion of Julia’s people.
Rotten Tomato’s gave this movie 82%, and though it is only released in cinemas for a week in America, FUNimation’s DVD and blu-ray release is due in Spring, making the wait for this expansion of a brilliant series bearable.