Yesterday, I brought the news that Sony will be introducing the UMD Passport to allow those with UMD copies of PSP games to retrieve a digital copy for use on the Playstation Vita at a special discounted price. More details have emerged about the Passport program including how Sony will make sure the system isn’t abused.
Sony has announced that, when a UMD is registered with a PSN account, it sticks with that account, meaning that the UMD is not allowed to link up with other PSN accounts. This is obviously a measure to stop anyone who wishes to give the UMD to another person who never owned the game. Also, the digital copy can be shared between the Vita and PSP/PSP Go (if you want to).
So far, 40 titles have been officially announced, while 200 are planned for the program. Hopefully that number jumps right up, considering how many PSP titles are available. Of course, those with titles announced fully support the program. Several other developers have pledge support but have not announced any titles for the program as of yet. Titles that will be compatible at the start of the program, which happens to be December 6 ahead of the Vita’s December 17 launch, will be revealed in mid November on the PS Vita site. No word as of if and when the program will extend to other territories.
Source: Andriasang