Microsoft Australia has announced that Australians will now be able to use their voice to command the Kinect. This is something that’s been in the works since it became obvious that Australian accents just weren’t going to cut it, since obviously Australian English is a different language from American English.
This can be used in Kinect Sports Season Two for things such as ‘say as you see’ voice commands such as asking your caddy to change your club in a round of golf.
Voice command on Xbox LIVE will be available for Australians in mid-December, just in time to tell your Kinect what to do during Christmas.
As well as the Kinect upgrade, there is the Zune Music pass that will be released on November 16. The subscription will give Australians unlimited access to more than 11 million songs and thousands of music videos on their Windows Phone, PC and Xbox 360. The subscription will be $11.99 per month or $119.90 a year to access the library.
What do you guys think about the Kinect finally recognising our ‘difficult’ accent and the Zune Music subscription?