Dexter Show Runner Discusses Episode 604

Just days after premiering the episode, Showtime have released a video via their Youtube channel featuring writer and show runner of Dexter Scott Buck, discussing multiple plot points of this week’s episode titled ‘A Horse Of A Different Color‘. Containing many spoilers, the video while only running for only two and a half minutes contains reveals quite a lot and speaks of what it was like behind the scenes for this episode.

Buck explains the title of the episode, A Horse with a Different Colour as “It’s a horse of a different colour because this is Dexter starting to enter a world he is so completely unfamiliar with.” The video then continues to show some of the most gruesome parts of the episode, before speaking on how this season is a “spiritual journey” for Dexter as well. This may just be the fourth episode, but without a doubt this season is shaping up to be one of the most exciting yet! A very interesting watch to fans of the series, but warning for anyone who hasn’t seen this episode yet-there are a whole bunch of spoilers!

Dexter season six episodes premier Sundays at 9PM, only on Showtime.

Matthew Vella
Matthew Vella
Matt Vella. Capsule Computers' Community Manager. I say 'Laters' a lot.