Got a point and click adventure itch? Well Wadjet Eye Games are on hand with a new entry in their Blackwell series – The Blackwell Deception. The studio is the same one behind the sci-fi noir themed Gemini Rue, which picked up a lot of critical praise for it’s gripping storyline, truly smart puzzles and entertaining characters (see here for CC’s own review).
Like previous entries in the Blackwell series, Deception follows the exploits of Rosa, a psychic medium with her own personal ghost in the form of the sardonic Joey Mallone, a spirit pulled straight out of 1930’s New York. When the victims of charlatan street psychics start turning up as confused ghosts, it’s up to Joey and Rosa to delve into the mysterious underground world of the street psychics to clean up the mess.
The game will be available as a $14.99 PC download from October 12, but if you pre-order you have the chance to pick up a special DVD edition for $24.99. The on disc version is chock full of content for that extra $10, throwing in all four games from the series (with developer commentary), an MP3 soundtrack, animated shorts and more. To keep you going until the disc arrives in October there’s even a download copy of Blackwell Convergence available immediately after checkout, as well as the new game when it’s released on October 12.
If you want to try before you buy Wadjet Eye are currently offering a free demo of the new title on their website, which can be found here, along with a great little trailer that shows off the game’s voice acting and story quality. So that’s October 12 point and click fans, keep an eye out for the review!