There are few things better in life than stabbing aliens with a knife. When that knife is attached to a gun, well, then it is just unthinkably amazing. Thankfully, REALLY THANKFULLY, Epic Games gave us that experience. Now, NECA has kindly provided us with a replica of the knife-gun, the Retro Lancer.
With an up to scale measurement of 3.5 feet in length, the lovely, uh, toy, plays sound when a trigger is pulled.
In North America, these omgIfreakinwant are exclusive to GameStop and can be obtained as a bundle with the game or a standalone item. Get it starting Spetember 13. Unfortunately, MasterAbbott’s burgeoning, creepy excitement will have to be reined in. No plans for international distribution have been revealed as of yet. Don’t rule it out quite yet though. Apparently, these deals just need to be hammered out.