If you have been wanting to get some fantastic iPhone, iPod touch and iPad adaptations of everything PopCap, you are in luck as the developer is gearing up to have a huge sale, discounting all of their most popular mobile titles. The best part of this sale is that PopCap will donate all proceeds to the Red Cross to assist in the massive earthquake relief effort. This event is looking to include every title from the developer, including some of the more popular franchises such as Peggle, Plants vs Zombies, Bejeweled, Chuzzle, and Bookworm. The price of each iPhone and iPod touch title is reduced to 99 cents during that time (US), while the iPad adaptations are reduced to $1.99 (US).
“We recently opened an office in Tokyo, and while our Japan-based employees are safe and uninjured, we understand countless others in Japan need food, shelter, and medical attention,” said Ellen Marett, Senior Director of Workforce Culture at PopCap. “Given that Plants vs. Zombies reached #1 on the iPhone and iPad sales charts in Japan, it seemed like the most appropriate game to feature in this fundraising campaign.”
This sale will last for 48 hours and starts March 19th at 12am, so if you have been holding out on grabbing some awesome games for your iPhone, iTouch or iPad, there is no better time to grab these titles and get the rewarding feeling of knowing that every cent you splurge on will go to helping Japan in this time of need.