Now gamers may remember that three years ago Crysis was released to PCs everywhere. Now that in and of itself isn’t a very big deal. But what was a big deal was that Crysis required extremely high-end computer requirements to even run properly, let alone at max optimization. There were many people who had to dump 10x the game’s price into their computers simply to run the thing.
Now Crysis 2 is coming out and surprinsgly enough, the specifications that you will need to run it are actually less than what you needed to run Crysis:
- Internet connection required for activation
- OS: XP/Vista/Windows 7
- CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2 Ghz, AMD Athlon 64 x2 2 Ghz or better
- GPU Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT 512 MB of memory or higher; ATI/AMD Radeon 3850HD 512Mb RAM or higher
- Memory: 2 GB of RAM
- Hard Drive Space: 9 GB
- DVD-ROM with 8x speed
- Audio: DirectX9c compatible
- Keyboard, mouse or Xbox 360 controller for Windows
The reason for the odd drop in specifications is not apparent, though some may say that since Crysis 2 is being released on the PS3 and Xbox 360 as well that that is the reason that the specifications are smaller. Either that or the developers thought that they would rather not have to force their fans to drop even more money on their computers to run the game.