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This Week On XBLA (1/3/2011)

This week doesn’t include much “interesting” stuff to enjoy your first week of the new year; unless of course you like buying virtual clothes for your avatar.

The Deal of the week includes a whole bunch of random clothes for your avatar, and there isn’t really any connection between them. It is as if whoever was picking these closed their eyes and just randomly selected some clothes to put on sale.

Here’s the full list of Deal of the Week Avatar items now available:

(Deals end January 10th)

The XBLA game this week is “IloMilo”, which has been available for a while. We told you how to get it early back in November. If you didn’t feel it was honorable to pick it up that way, you’ll be able to pick it up officially, on Wednesday January 5th for 800 Microsoft Points. Our review for the game will be released in the early hours of the same day, for those of you who are still iffy on purchasing it.