With the 3DS starting to get quite a line-up from Nintendo already, it was only a matter of time before more third-party developers start creating titles for the new portable. Majesco have now threw their hat into the mix with the announcement that they will be publishing two titles for the Nintendo 3DS. The first game announced is Face Kart: Photo Finish which will be a kart racer with the ability to take a photo of the player and put it onto their avatars for their custom 3D racers, billboards and power-ups. This one sounds to me like a blend of Face Pilot (which came out for the DSi last year) and Mario Kart and sounds pretty interesting.
Next up is for all those gamers out there that enjoy raising animals…dead animals anyway. Pet Zombies in 3D lets players reanimate their very own zombies with a range of customizations and then care for (or torment) their pets as they play with them in creepy 3D environments.
Of course with this announcement comes quite a few details on both of these titles comes even more information for each listing both as follows:
Developed by 1st Playable Productions, Pet Zombies in 3D lets players raise their very own decaying human pets by managing their special dietary preferences (brains and the like), bodily maintenance (or lack thereof) and morbid activities needed to keep them happily undead. Players can choose to play with, care for, or even mischievously torment their zombies in creepy locations like cemeteries, evacuated malls or rundown military bases. Each 3D environment is customizable with mix-and-match objects, themed backdrops and even music to best fit each pet zombie’s personality and tastes. Throughout the game, players can discover new zombies to add to their horde and customize them with facial bone deformations, variable decay, clothing and unlockable items. Players will also use the Nintendo 3DS accelerometer controls in various activities, including rolling zombie heads through mazes, and can earn trophies and in-game currency to spend in the Zombie Pet Shop.
Developed by Renegade Kid, Face Kart: Photo Finish lets players tilt and turn the Nintendo 3DS to steer their photo customized speedsters through 20 unique race tracks, as they drift around corners, soar over chasms and speed past the competition. Players use the Nintendo 3DS camera to snap their own picture and then map it onto their avatar, the landscape or even a turbo boost so they can pick up their very own power-ups as they race. Each avatar offers up to one hundred choices in hair, clothing and eyewear, plus cars can also be customized by tuning and tweaking to create the ultimate personalized racer.
I can easily say both have my interest, especially Face Kart: Photo Finish as I am a big fan of Renegade Kid (creators of Dementium 1 & 2 for the DS) and it is great to see such a strong presence of titles being announced this early on. As of now, the only thing we really know about a date is that both will be hitting shelves this fall but as that date grows closer and more news drops, we will be sure to bring it to all of you. I am sure this is just the start for Majesco’s line-up for the 3DS so you can bet that more announcements are sure to come in the future as well.