Earlier we revealed that Square Enix had announced Final Fanasy XIII-2 which will be, more or less, a direct sequel to FFXIII which released back in March of last year. We have a little bit more information now thanks to the latest press release from Square Enix which reveals that Japan will be getting Final Fantasy XIII-2 sometime this year, while Western gamers will have to wait until next Winter, which means we have well over a year of waiting left before we step into Lightning’s shoes again.
Now I mention Lightning for one very specific reason, she is currently the only character we know that will be making a return. As you can see above and below she has returned in a much different outfit, wearing mostly body armor and a feather cape. Also we see who some of the storyline will be focused around and is being called Lightning’s rival. Also revealed is the game’s advertising tagline: “Why does mankind defy its fate?” Sounds like it will definitely be interesting with Motomu Toriyama, who headed both FFXIII and is now also heading FFXIII-2, saying that this one will surpass FFXIII in every way.