If you haven’t spent all your monies next year on that map pack we all know is coming, then you may have enough left over for an entire game. Section 8: Prejudice will be releasing digitally on XBLA, PSN and PC early next year. TimeGate Studio’s goal is to corner the digital distribution market for first person shooters, which is probably a remarkably wise decision.
A 5-hour single-player campaign,online multi-player for 32 players, and a 4-player co-op game mode called Swarm will be included. Even better than this, all game modes and content will be playable offline with full bot support. Section 8: Prejudice will release for $14.99 or 1200 MS Points. PC support includes Steam and Games for Windows- Live on Demand. You can also now sign up for the PC beta: http://beta.timegate.com/