Arc Rise Fantasia Gets a Release Date

RPG fans on the Wii can now rejoice, Ignition Entertainment has gave the US street date for the newest  JRPG coming exclusively for the Wii. On July 27th players will get to sink their teeth into “Arc Rise Fantasia”. The game is looking quite promising after making a huge splash at E3 2010 this year, and with the limited selection of traditional RPG’s on the Wii, the timing could not be more perfect. Ignition has posted this bit of information for those who are still looking for answers on this hot new title:

Arc Rise Fantasia delivers a traditional Japanese RPG (JRPG) experience unlikeanything currently available on the Nintendo Wii. The game features everything fans of the JRPG genre want out of a classic gaming experience.  As the mercenary L’Arc, players must gather friends and allies to defend the peaceful Meridian Empire from a mysterious enemy. But what starts as a struggle to save an empire quickly unravels into a desperate fight to save the face of the planet.  Filled with memorable characters, pulse-pounding combat and a sweeping storyline, Arc Rise Fantasia distills more than a decade of gaming tradition into one unforgettable journey.”

“Fantasia” is being developed by Imageepoch Inc., creators of  the “Luminous Arc” series. The price at release is set to be at a cool $39.99. No PAL release date has been given, but we will keep you updated on this summer’s hottest RPG for the Wii.