TRON 2 license streams ahead but stays light years out of reach!

Gaming controllers get redesigns and facelifts all the time, whether due to a new license, official remodeling or just some third party tinkering, but this one is something very special indeed and I need it NOW – more than oxygen even!

To celebrate the forthcoming sequel to Disney’s ’80s-tastic TRON movie (and it’s video game) images of officially licensed TRON 2 (aka TRON Legacy) themed controllers for the Nintendo Wii, Xbox360 and PS3 consoles have appeared here in cyberspace.

Each controller features a sleek black design with fully illuminated neon lines that trace along the contours in traditional TRON fashion and I think it’s safe to say that even those who aren’t fans of the movie series are sure to be impressed with these frankly very special controllers. But don’t celebrate just yet, as unfortunately there is a blip on the radar.  Currently these controllers are being used solely as promotional material for TRON 2 and there no plans to release them to retail at this time.

With their popularity at E3 and word spreading fast online they would almost certainly be a sure fire sales success so let’s hope that the producers of these wonderful toys (as Jack Nicholson’s Joker once said) see sense and go to market. Anything else is just pure madness – or maybe it’s just me being incredibly needy! Regardless – I really, really want one, or indeed all, of these asap! Santa are you listening?

Who’s going to pick one as well ?

Katie Bennett
Katie Bennett
Loves games i work for a Game store for the last ten years too so i am a all game girl