Yes that’s right… there seems to be secret some Lab work happening in the research facilities over at Microsoft Game Studios. Just today we received this mysterious link with not too much information. But we all have a very big hunch that it smells like a NATAL Project of some sort.
I like the part at the bottom half of the enrollment form that asks for 10 things that describe your personality !!
MasterAbbott had 100 but had to settle for the 10 best ones he could muster up 😉 .. (one of them was CUTE… )
Well if you live in Australia then click on the image below and fill this out ASAP !! if you wanna be a part of this secret lab experiment which will have you jumping around swinging your hands like a crazy person and having the best time in the world all in the name of research then don’t delay … MICROSOFT NEEDS YOU TODAY !!!
This is MasterAbbott’s Application .. He hopes he makes it in !! 😉