Catacombs Video Review on iPhone / iPod Touch

Game Name: Catacombs
Platforms: IPHONE / iPOD Touch
Publisher(s): InMotion Software
Genre(s): Action
Release Date: 18/02/2010
ESRB Rating: (Everyone 9+) Infrequent/Mild Realistic Violence
Price: .99cents US
Buy now :  Catacombs

Are you a fan of classic style Gauntlet games ?  Well your in luck.  iPhone game developer InMotion Software have just released a cool little dual analog style controlled Hack & Slash Dungeon Crawler called Catacombs and today MasterAbbott has strapped on his warriors armour and helmet, picked up his axe of awesomeness + 20 and entered the Catacombs to bring you this video review.

As with all video reviews, there is less reading and more watching.   Catacombs is a top down dual analog action dungeon style game modelled after the legendary Gauntlet series.  It contains of a total of 24 levels (you have an option to purchase another 24 level mission called the forrest as a DLC for an additional 99cents) with three difficulty settings.  The game is only single player game with no multi-player capabilities, its a shame as playing online with friends or even via bluetooth would of made it that little more fun.

Check out the video review :

Graphically for an iPhone game, InMotion have done quite a remarkable job.  The dungeons are well designed and have a nice amount of detail to them, enemies you encounter look realistic are not just little blobs of sprites chasing you around the dungeon. 

Sound effects are clear and crisp with the sound of crumbling skeleton bones and potion pick ups echoing in the dark and dingy halls of the dungeon makes the experience even more realistic.  Music was good but does get a little repetitive after a while and might force you to mute the sound and just leave the sound effects which is what I ended up doing.

Along your adventure you battle, Skeletons, Spiders and Slimes and that’s about it.  I personally was looking for more of a variety buy it didn’t come.  Some of the Skeletons had a red glow to them but they were still skeletons.  A mini boss every few levels would of been a good but that didn’t happen. He must of been on holidays or something.

As you venture forth trying to escape the dungeons you do gain experience and gold.  Unfortunately these two classic building blocks for RPG games are not really used.  You level up but you don’t get to allocate any points or skills towards your character in any way, and once I reached level 15 I stopped leveling up (this was about a little over half way through the adventure) .  The gold you pick up is only really used as a score indicator and nothing else.  I was desperately looking for  an opportunity to haggle with a troll or something down in the dungeons for a new axe but that too didn’t happen.    But we have to take into consideration that Catacombs was modelled after Gauntlet and back in the day when we all played Gauntlet you collected gold for high scores and didn’t really care what level your warrior was as long as he survived.

Catacombs is a fun easy to pick up and play action game with a fair amount of replayability and very appealing on the eyes and for only 99cents its a bargain.

Capsule Computers gives Catacombs a 7.5 Capsule Out Of 10
