We have some great news for Super Street Fighter IV fans. Earlier today Capcom Europe twittered the following :
“Super Street Fighter Pre-Order Items Confirmed – See Attached.”
Clicking on the link revealed some super cool pre-order goodies check them out below
Now there is not much details apart from whats written above. But we can see there are 4 SUPER COOL iPhone covers. I have an iPhone !! I love Street Fighter !!! I WANT ONE … well I want all of them if possible 😉 We next have unlockable or alternate costumes which would be provided to you via unlock codes, this is always good as it makes playing with your favourite character even more enjoyable. Finally we have limited edition t-shirts. Now these are big time collector items. Only 2 of 4 are shown which are RYU’s Gee and Guiles Army uniform. I’m betting that the other two would be Chun-Li’s uniform and possibly Ken’s red Gee. But who knows we might be Blanka’s hairy chest or Sagats torso with his scar… Who knows but these cool little pre-order goodies are great.
Only problem is we don’t have much else to work with. We’ll do our best to keep you in formed as best we can once we find out more information. Best best is check back tomorrow and once we got the information rush down to probably Gamestop or the Capcom Online store and pre-order Super Street Fighter IV straight away !! I know i’ll be. I want the shirt and the iPhone cover !! I’ve been waiting so long for one a decent cover for my iPhone and now I can get one as a bonus for simply Pre-ordering the best Fighting gaming on the planet … SUPER STREET FIGHTER IV !!
Let us know what you think of the pre-order goodies what do you like or dislike about them 🙂