Goods news, zombie hunters! Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles is available for the Wii today in the US / (Australia will be able to get their hands on it next week .. hopefully if the ship bring it down doesn’t get hijacked by pirates in Age of Booty). Also after a long wait, the co-op, online, arcade-shooter zombie massacre is yours for the en-blastenating. MasterAbbott will be doing a review once its out here in Australia. But if you feel the urge to pick up the game — and who wouldn’t and you live in the US — you might want to consider ordering from the Capcom eStore and getting a groovy RPD shirt with your game. Remember Wii games are region coded so if you order from the Capcom store the game will be NTSC format (suitable for most parts of asia and US)
If you have Resident Evil – The Darkside Chronicles already let us know what you think of it !!