HomeGenreActionThe Tale of ALLTYNEX Gets Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight Ramped Up

The Tale of ALLTYNEX Gets Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight Ramped Up


Today independent games publisher Nyu Media announced two separate efforts they’re supporting. Both Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight campaigns have been kicked off in an effort to bring Japanese shooting game series The Tale of ALLTYNEX to the English-speaking world.

Created by Japanese indie developer SITER SKAIN, The Tale of ALLTYNEX is made up of three separate games: KAMUI, RefleX, and ALLTYNEX Second. What’s not to love about a series that sets brain-transplanted fighter craft with reflective shield technology and blade-based melee attacks against genocidal A.I. and ancient alien weapons of mass destruction!?

The efforts of the Kickstarter will go toward finalizing the localization work on the series and promoting the game once it is released. Rewards tiers will include everything from games and soundtracks to plushies, dakimakura, and even a trip to the Winter Comiket event in Tokyo in December!

Make sure to check out both the Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight pages for The Tale of ALLTYNEX and help get this great trilogy localized, all while supporting indie development. You can also check out their official website here.

Joe Morgan
Joe Morgan
Christian, gamer, software developer, crossfitter, jogger, and dog lover