HomePlatformPCCheck out the combat and spell animations in latest Skyrim trailer

Check out the combat and spell animations in latest Skyrim trailer

It seems that Bethesda will release a new video a day for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim to try and tide people over until this Friday, 11/11/11 when the game is released worldwide on the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Today’s video deals with the various animations of Skyrim, including that of the magical attacks and the finishing blows.

Some people have complained that The Elder Scrolls combat never felt visceral enough because the way combat played out, but those people should watch the video below and see all of the game’s various finishing moves for enemies. Be warned, there are a few decapitations present. I believe this video will sway your opinion. Also, how do you kill a dinosaur with a toothpick exactly?

Travis Bruno
Travis Bruno
After playing games since a young age and getting into anime a bit later on its been time to write about a little bit of everything.