HomeAnime & MangaAnime NewsSentai licenses Akikan! Anime

Sentai licenses Akikan! Anime

Sentai Filmworks just can’t stop licensing things. In the past few months they have licensed just about every anime they could their hands on and now they have gotten their hands on theĀ Akikan! anime.

Akikan! marks an all time wierd for titles licensed by Sentai, with Akikan! telling the story of a girl who is in fact a soft-drink can. Yes that’s right she is a can of soft-drink, somehow. As you might have guessed this series is incredibly wierd, but that’s not the half of it. The series main story is about the these soft-drink can girls battling to decide once and for all what is better, steel or alluminium.

What do you think of this odd new series licensed by Sentai Filmworks? What’s better steel or alluminium? Let us know in the shoutbox or comments section.

Luke Halliday
Luke Halliday
Senior Editor & Anime Specialist