HomePublisher2KThe Darkness 2 The Brotherhood Explained

The Darkness 2 The Brotherhood Explained

If you had the powers of the Darkness: the manifestation of all evil in the ENTIRE universe, just who would be your enemy? Well, Digital Extremes and 2K games’ have released a new trailer to for The Darkness 2 which introduces just that, an enemy that can knows and can take on The Darkness, otherwise known as The Brotherhood.

The sequel to 2007’s The Darkness, The Darkness 2 faces Jackie Estacado against a centuries old secret society ‘The Brotherhood’ who want to take and use The Darkness for themselves. As shown in the trailer, these guys know exactly how to fight The Darkness by uses of Light Cannons, and what appear to be Darkness Whips and Darkness equipped armour, shields and weapons.

The Darkness 2 is set to be released on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC on February 7 in North America and February 10 in Australia and Europe.

Check Out The Darkness 2′s Sweet Pre-order Bonus!

Roger Ma
Roger Mahttps://www.capsulecomputers.com.au
Currently a university student, it's sick as!