Gun Gun Pixies’ Latest Trailer Features Dorm Infiltration and More

A new trailer for Gun Gun Pixies has been released by Compile Heart and in it we catch a glimpse at how the game will play. As we’ve detailed in the past, players will be controlling one of two miniature alien girls that have come to Earth in order to study human relations after their own planet Pandemo began to suffer from a communication crisis causing no one to interact or even marry each other anymore.

The video, shown below, features the girls sneaking around the girls’ dorm while avoiding damage from the girls as they move around the room, take out small enemies scattered around, and avoid being caught all while shooting girls with “happy bullets.” Currently Gun Gun Pixies is set to be released in Japan on March 23rd for the PS Vita.

Travis Bruno
Travis Bruno
After playing games since a young age and getting into anime a bit later on its been time to write about a little bit of everything.