d2b vs DEARDROPS now available through MangaGamer

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Fans of MangaGamer‘s PC visual novels, especially some of their older releases, will be happy to hear that the “All-Ages” d2b vs DEARDROPS has been released on MangaGamer’s online store. The game currently is priced at $19.95 and can be purchased here.

The story of d2b vs DEARDROPS is a crossover between the adult visual novels KiraKira and Deardrops. MangagGamer describes the story as follows:

When Riho sees Shoichi performing on stage with Kirari, her jealousy burns bright, and she welcomes him back to Japan with a flying kick to the face! So when Kirari asks if DEARDROPS will perform at her upcoming anniversary concert, the gloves come off. The Second Literature Club Band and DEARDROPS… what will happen when these two bands clash? How will they change each others’ lives as they both prepare for this battle of the bands?

Travis Bruno
Travis Bruno
After playing games since a young age and getting into anime a bit later on its been time to write about a little bit of everything.