Free Hero Weekend for Mighty Quest for Epic Loot


Ubisoft have just announced that the first of what should be many ‘Free Hero Weekends’ for The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot has just begun. This ‘Free Hero Weekend’ gives players open access to a multitude of features in the game, giving a free taste of the full extent of this remarkable game that is The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot.

The major focus of ‘Free Hero Weekend’ is that players will be able to play as the following heroes for free: Sir Painhammer the Knight, Blackeye Bowgart the Archer and Earl of Evilosity the Mage.

Be sure to check out the trailer below or the full scoop on ‘Free Hero Weekend’ and what it means for all of you crazy looters out there. Let us know what you think in the comment section below.

Luke Halliday
Luke Halliday
Senior Editor & Anime Specialist