Karneval Themed Café For One Month Only


If you’re planning on visiting Japan this month and have an interest in Bishonen anime, then this attraction is right up your ally. For the whole of June, the Animate cafe in the Tennoji ward of Osaka will be themed around the anime Karneval.

The concept of the cafe is designed around various elements of the fantasy action anime; this includes posters, cardboard cut outs of the main characters and even giant plushies (many of which aren’t available for public sale).

To achieve maximum immersion, each table will contain Karneval themed napkin holders and place mats that display scenes from the anime. Customers will also be able to purchase the first volume of the anime on DVD or Blu-ray after they finish eating from the specially designed menu, Click here to check out the official Karneval page of the cafe.


The anime/ video game merchandise company Animate often themes each cafe around certain shows during each currently airing season, and changes the theme of each cafe on a monthly basis. Previously themed cafes include Amnesia, Hetalia: World Series and Durarara!!

Karneval began airing during this years spring season with Funimation simulcasting each episode with English subtitles.

Would you go to this cafe? if not, what anime themed cafe would you want to go to? let us know in the comments section below.