JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s “Ora Ora Border T”

Last week Bandai released a video showing off the newest item in it’s JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure line. It’s called the Ora Ora Border T and with a little help from a smart phone app you could be the owner of your very own Star Platinum Stand!

Pretty sweet designs huh?
Pretty sweet designs huh?

The shirt and app combination uses AR Technology (much like what Nintendo does with the 3DS) to give off the illusion of activating a Stand like the characters in the series. When you shoot video of the shirt through Bandai’s Nextpets app (iOS and Android) the virtual star platinum appears and proceeds to yell his signature “Ora Ora Ora” shout. This can all be seen in the video.

Last month Bandai’s Beams Online shop began selling the shirt in black-on-white and purple-on-black for 5,040 yen or about US$50. A brand new colour, green-on-black, will go on sale this month.

Check out both the Gallery section and the Featured Video section below to fill your “Ora Ora Ora” needs and don’t forget to drop us a line in our comments section.