Humble Indie Bundle 7 Adds Three New Games


Humble Indie Bundle 7 added three new games to the bundle. These games are available to all those who have already beaten the average price and all future buyers who also beat the average. The three games are flash game bundle collection The Basement Collection, classic side scroller Cave Story +, and action puzzle platformer Offspring Fling. All three games also include their respective soundtracks in MP3 and FLAC format.

Humble Indie Bundle 7 is in support of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a non profit group that supports digital rights, and Child’s Play Charity, a charity organization that outfits play rooms in children’s hospitals around the world to improve the quality of life for sick children. Get the Humble Indie Bundle 7 here.

Jamie Laike Tsui
Jamie Laike Tsui
Jamie is the Managing Editor at Capsule Computers and has covered video games and technology for over a decade. When not playing or writing about video games, he can be found studying law or nerding out on fountain pens and stationery.