Pikmin 3 screenshots released, looks gorgeous

Without a doubt the biggest news to come out of Nintendo’s E3 2012 press conference was the official announcement of the long rumoured and long awaited Pikmin 3 coming to the Wii U as a launch title. Well immediately after their E3 2012 conference Nintendo released a bunch of gorgeous screenshots and artwork for the title.

The game looks absolutely gorgeous on the Wii U and these screenshots reflect that perfectly. You can check out the beautiful screenshots for this title below. Be warned though you may just need a new pair of pants if you are a Nintendo fan because these shots are sure to excite you. Let us know what you think of Pikmin 3 in the comments section below.

Also be sure to check out more E3 2012 images over on our facebook page here.

Luke Halliday
Luke Halliday
Senior Editor & Anime Specialist