In what I can only assume to be a first in video game history, and potentially is a competitor for weirdest news this month. A virtual company within Second Life has started a Indiegogo campaign in order for it to increase its presence within Second Life. Nintai Brokerage Corporation teaches players how to participate in its virtual stock exchange called the Capital Exchange.
Nintai is seeking the funding so that they can improve the quality of the simulation, and also make it accessible to more players. Nintai’s goal of $5000 may seem small in comparison to some video game crowd-funding efforts, I’m looking at you schaffer, but it has yet to be seen whether people will rally around this. They do have 28 days to achieve their goal and frankly I have seen for weirder things funded, so they may just manage to pull it off.
Here is what the CEO of the virtual company, Cecil Niosaki, had to say,
“I think it’s incredibly important that we continue to operate on the Second Life grid so that we can teach people how the stock market works. I believe that an education in finance is necessary, and oftentimes players take what they learn on the Capital Exchange onto the real stock market.”
Second Life is an online virtual world created in 2003 by Linden Labs, which allows players to create avatars for themselves, so that they can interact with other users and participate within the Second Life economy. Though popularity for Second Life has died off in recent years, it still has a substantial userbase which may be due to the level of creation that it allows its users to have within the game.
Be sure to check in at a later date, for if they actually manage to reach their goal, then I will definitely be writing about it.