Oh, Japan – #12 The Finale

Capsule Computer’s ‘Oh, Japan!’ segment has been running for a total of 15 weeks and 12 editions. Today I bring you the news that Oh, Japan! will be ending. That isn’t to say it may never return, it is just simply time to wrap things up with this weekly segment and bring in some new ideas and hopefully capture your imagination in the same way that Oh, Japan! has for it’s past 12 editions.

I have strived since Oh, Japan’s inception to make it a great way to introduce the eccentricities of Japanese culture to those who are not privy to it, or to glorify it to those who have grown to love it. In that right, I feel Oh, Japan! has been a success.

For my final Oh, Japan! segment, I will introduce you to the mother of all that is strange with Japanese animation, Chargeman Ken. An anime that took roughly an hour worth of plot and tried to cram it into 5 minutes each and every episode. See for yourself in the infamous 35th episode of the series below.

To conclude, I’d like to thank everyone who has stuck with Oh, Japan! over it’s short but sweet tenure and for one last time let’s all kick back together, watch a funny video a say the words we all know so well… “Oh, Japan!”

Luke Halliday
Luke Halliday
Senior Editor & Anime Specialist